Website constructed by Dean Goodgame of Kimberley Specialists
This site and the Kimberley Toad Busters cane toad volunteer group was established by Kimberley Specialists
what's in your backyard?
Frog Camparative Chart
fact sheets
What is a KTB
Kimberley Toad Buster Posters
"It is important to recognise that the pristine terrestrial and aquatic habitat systems of the Kimberley are already under threat. Current land-care and resource management policies undertaken by land and resource managers have had a detrimental impact on Kimberley biodiversity. Most of our plant and animal biodiversity is in a fragile state. The impact of the cane toad in the Kimberley, if this is allowed to happen, will literally destroy one of the last unique biodiversity wilderness frontiers in Australia," (Lee Scott-Virtue),

Kimberley Toad Busters has been as much about science and education as it has been about trying to reduce the numbers of cane toads in an attempt to mitigate their impact on native biodiversity. In order to understand the full impact of cane toads Kimberley Toad Busters began an educational program asking people to record and monitor native biodiversity pre and post cane toads. This educational program initially began in schools throughout the Kimberley and gradually extended to Indigenous and other community groups as well as to pastoral station owners and mining companies. KTB provide talks all over WA and have also given talks to interstate organisations now confronting cane toads.

This website page provides a copy of some of the educational material we use when talking to schools and groups. This educational information is available on DVD on request.

Teachers Resource Material

Humane Methods of Disposal
Safety Manual
2010 Environmental Forum
Manage a Kimberley Icon
Adopt a Street